Purpose: drive the dialogue, action and change in the network of young people
More great people in the community by People Manager
Ensure intellectual diversity (sports, culture etc)
Think about other spheres that might be of interest for our hub to engage. Sports? Art? etc
Setup the smooth recruiting and onboarding processes
More connection to the global community + Do meetings with coming shapers
делать встречи в формате открытой книги (с шейперами?)
More internal interactions by Curator
More informal events (maybe Speed dating / Break out rooms)
More online interactions / calls
Mutual positive projects
More social recognition by Communication Manager
2 основных темах: WEF и core тема: будущее работы и образования. По ним сделать серию вижуалов, статистики, мнений и тд из разных сфер. Будущее работы в промышленности, образовании, политики и тд. Составлю контент план с фамилиями и артифактами
Tell their stories
Support the development, rating participation etc
Build the brand: Work on GS brand through organizing events: educational events, networking events, GS presentations for youth – (Uliana)
Kyiv Community
TA: young professionals 20-30 y.o.
Platform for dialogue: Future Skills + Inclusion + Climate Change
A series of educational events on these topics may be the big project for our Hub.
Shapers have ton of experience that we should share with the tour community as well as with youth of Kyiv. We would invite Shapers and external experts as speakers, discuss the topics that are of interests of the shapers themselves. The audience would be youth or young professionals. This would be our giving back to the community, and building a stronger GS brand.
Social Entrepreneurship
Development Impact
Global Perspective
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WEF Global Office
Great Impact Stories
Bring local context to the global discussion
Develop Future Skills
Develop Inclusion
Develop Anti Climate Change Action
Last updated